baile folklorico thumbnail

Baile Folklórico



Baile Folklórico is a language of movement that inspires and represents the regional, national and personal notions of beauty and culture that extend to the Pre-Spanish era of Mexico. Its dramatic choreographies tell tales of humor, religion, loss and rituals that are crucial components to understanding the origins of Mexican identity.

To preserve the spirit of, and to keep the true characteristics authentic, it is essential that Mexican heritage lives beyond the past. Through the visual interpretations of movement and form, these 45 symbols weave a map that reveals the various styles and idiosyncrasies that maintain regional narratives in Mexican culture. By visually expressing the differences in conjunction with the inherent similarities in the structure of Baile Folklórico, there is harmony within the symbols that communicates the ability of Mexican identity to revive itself as a unified voice.

Baile Folklórico_Jalisco
Baile Folklórico_Veracruz

Images courtesy of Pascal Glisman and 45Symbols: The Phaistos Project.

© 2019 Esalee Andrade-Guerrero